
Thermowells are used for a safe installation of temperature sensors into pipes. They prevent the sensor to get in physical contact with the process fluid and are therefore recommended for aggressive fluids and for high dynamical stress which could harm the temperature sensor. Additionally, thermowells offer an easy way to remove the sensor during operation for maintenance.

We offer a robust and versitle thermowell family­­‑‑precision manufactured in a wide variety of mounting styles (include ANSI and DIN rated flanged, DIN rated welded and metric threaded thermowells), process connections, and materials for adaptability and compatibility.

  • Design flexibility allows you modify the thermowell profile to fit exact needs
  • Large variety of standardized thermowell tests and certificates for traceability and safety
  • Access to thermowell calculation tool (according to ASME PTC 19.3TW-2016) to ensure thermowell is safe in selected process conditions